Proven quality for your translation
Rely on international standards for your translations
Schweickhardt Das Übersetzungsbüro has been certified in accordance with ISO 17100, the international standard for translations, for many years. As a result, we are one of the few translation agencies in Austria to hold this certification.
The ISO 17100 standard relates explicitly to translation work and is the best proof for the quality of our work. In the industrial sector and in several other industries, this standard is already a consistent requirement and it has demonstrable advantages for all translation applications.
When choosing your translation agency, make sure it’s the original. Certification in accordance with the standard, which was created explicitly for translation services, brings with it certainty in respect of quality. However, merely adhering to this standard, by mentioning that work is carried out in accordance with it, does not guarantee compliance with the mandatory standards.
Workflow of translations in accordance with ISO 17100 certification
At Schweickhardt Das Übersetzungsbüro, the highest quality is one of our most important concerns. This is why our translation agency is certified in accordance with the ISO 17100 standard (formerly EN 15038).
For you as the customer, this means that we have all your translations carried out exclusively by qualified, native speaker translators. All texts are proofread several times.
We also use the four-eyes principle in our translation process. This means that a different person with at least equivalent qualifications proofreads it for a second time.
For the purpose of quality assurance, the entire process of translation is continuously documented and regularly checked within the company. This enables us to guarantee you absolute freedom from errors and reliable translation.
To ensure compliance with the quality standards, continuous professional development of our employees is an important part of the corporate culture at Schweickhardt Das Übersetzungsbüro.
What are the advantages for you as the customer?
The key advantages of a certified translation agency for you as a customer are:
- Consistently high standards due to constant quality assurance and strict criteria when selecting translators and revisers.
- Clear service agreements between customer and translation service provider to ensure the best possible result.
- Assurance of seamless documentation and traceability of the translation. This ensures that every step of your translation job is prepared in the best possible way.
- Use of state-of-the-art technologies and procedures to provide the translation service including continuous evaluation for ongoing improvement.
What is certification in accordance with ISO 17100?
The ISO 17100 standard contains “Specifications for translation service providers with respect to handling the core processes, minimum requirements for qualification, availability and use of resources and other activities necessary for providing a high-quality translation service.”
Companies that are certified in accordance with the ISO 17100 standard demonstrate their compliance with key criteria for high-quality and consistent translation work, in particular by using optimised (core) processes for translation work. These are above all:
- Qualification and competences of translators, revisers, proofreaders, etc.
- Precise, standardised procedures before production of a translation, such as evaluation and feasibility study, cost estimate, precise agreement between client and translation service provider
- Project management and self-checking during the translation process and revision
- Corresponding follow-up of the translation by handling feedback, complaints, modifications, etc.
How does the ISO 17100 differ from other standards?
While other quality standards such as ISO 9001 relate to the company’s quality and project management overall, ISO 17100 responds explicitly to the circumstances and details of translation processes. Only this standard specifies requirements for the quality and selection of translators and for separating the translation process and revision. For you, this means more reliability in the processing of your translations.