Translation in the design: Desktop publishing of your translations
Translations directly in the original layout
The perfect combination of experienced graphic designers and native-speaker translators enables Schweickhardt Das Übersetzungsbüro to deliver a finished document in the original layout.
The print-ready document is created in a single step. It is possible to save on additional correction and coordination loops by merging the workflows. There is no longer any need for additional text layout or for incorporating the text into an existing layout. This merging of the processes enables us to exclude additional sources of error.
Perfectly translated, perfectly typeset
Thanks to the integrated workflow, we can guarantee that someone who understands the language will incorporate the text into the layout. As a result, line breaks and typesetting are perfect.
So you can be sure that not only will the translation be a perfect fit but also its layout in the finished document.
In addition to the common file systems, we can also process these file formats for you:
- Adobe InDesign
- Quark XPress
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Photoshop
For this we need open typesetting files including all the fonts used.
Guaranteed highest quality
Schweickhardt Das Übersetzungsbüro is certified in accordance with ISO 17100. Of course, this also applies to translations produced in the original layout. For this reason, we work according to the four-eyes principle and every text is proofread by specialists. Only after this double verification is the document sent to you.
This corresponds entirely to the quality criteria of ISO 17100, according to which we are continuously certified, and means that you can rely on us completely.
Your advantages with translation in the design
Your advantages with translation in the design:
- You avoid additional sources of error when copying translation passages.
- Your texts are perfectly typeset in the design with the necessary breaks.
- You save time and costs by reducing to a single step.

Unsere Services
Other services provided by Schweickhardt Das Übersetzungsbüro
In addition to translations in the original layout, we are happy to assist you with all foreign language communication within your company.
Specialist translations: All documents are processed exclusively by more than 140 highly trained, native speaker translators. They specialise in a wide range of fields, such as medicine, law, marketing, business and many more.
Certified translations: Schweickhardt Das Übersetzungsbüro, with its sworn and court-certified interpreters, produces certified translations for your business relationships or official business.
Highest quality and proofreading: After translation, the specialist texts are checked by experts in the relevant subject area for accuracy of content, syntactic and semantic aspects. By complying with European and international standards such as ISO 17100, we ensure the highest quality.
Localisation: By individually localising marketing texts, software solutions or websites, we create the necessary linguistic framework so that they perfectly match your target audience’s language usage and therefore achieve maximum acceptance.
Translation memory: We take care of an efficient workflow and organise the terminology management for communication within your company.
Interpreting: We provide different types of interpreting for your event. Whether you require simultaneous, consecutive or escort interpreting within the company: we are happy to take care of the whole process from providing the appropriate technology to the actual interpreting by experienced freelancers of Schweickhardt Das Übersetzungsbüro.